"Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver." (II Corinthians 9: 7)
Our parish relies on the generous and regular donations of its members and friends to make the ministry of the church possible. Please consider supporting our parish with a single or recurring donation. May the Lord bless you!
St. John the Merciful
"I thank you, my Lord and God, for you made me worthy to give back the gifts which You gave me."
23FebSunday of the Last Judgement
Meatfare Sunday
Please attend an Orthodox church near you.Tue
25FebAt 2413 Sandy Lane, Ft. Worth
5:00 Confession
6:00 Small VespersWed
26FebAt St. Mark's
4:00 Confession by appointment
5:00 Confession
6:00 Small Vespers